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Breath Integration

Breath integration or conscious connected breathing, is a powerful and effective way to engage with your inner self and transform your life. With this life changing  method, you'll explore the importance of your breath, along with learn inner strengths and self empowering practices, and integrate these practices into your daily routine. With guidance and support, you'll develop a deeper understanding of yourself and feel more connected to the world around you.

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Building healthy self awareness

Creating more emotional balance in our lives

Supports us in learning our healthy boundaries

Learning more about our authentic selves

Building healthy relationships

Personal growth

Stress management



Grief & loss

Connect to self..... & Breathe

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With the breath integration method, you can learn the tools to have a more supportive, empowered, and loving experience in your everyday lives.

This conscious connected breath method, allows our hearts and minds to come together to bring us more balance so that we have a better direction mindfully and emotionally. 

Our breath is our life force!

The breath integration method is a study of our own breath and the story it reveals to us. When we pay attention to our breath during a guided breath session, the many unconscious strategies of defense or barriers we have against pleasure and aliveness are revealed to us, giving us choice in having a different outcome and experience.


Online 1-1 sessions available

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