Oneala Bell
Having experienced emotional struggles herself as young girl, Oneala turned to abusive destructive behaviors and found herself pulled into anger, anxiety, and feeling alone.
However, she started her own personal journey and trainings with the breath integration method over 20 years ago, and through working with her own breath and using this wonderful tool, she was able to learn to trust and let go of the old limiting beliefs, painful traumas, and family patterns that were holding her back from having loving, healthy, joyful and empowered relationships with the wonderful human beings in her life.
While working on herself, Oneala's purpose was to find her joy through her authentic self, and she truly did! But she also found her passion to assist others to do the same in their own lives. She invites you to find your inner balance and personal power through breath integration, as it is your birthright to live a joyful and authentic life.
"World transformation is possible through personal transformation"

"Breath work has helped me be less judgmental of my self and others, I’ve found my personal power in my life, it feels amazing to feel so free of the weight of my ego always pulling me in the direction of fear or chaos.
Breathwork has become a great tool in my life that helps me be more of my authentic self and love myself and others fully."
Thanks Oneala!
~Laurie R
"Working with Oneala in breathwork has been an invaluable journey of growth and healing. Oneala's compassionate guidance and counseling created a safe space for me to explore and transform. The sessions, a perfect blend of breathwork techniques and emotional support, have led to profound shifts in my mindset.
Oneala's commitment to my personal growth has been a game-changer, equipping me with tools for daily life. I’m grateful for this transformative experience and the positive impact on my life"
Thank you, Oneala!
Chris V